I would never try anything with Kelly, mostly because I see her as almost a sister and she is also married, but there was an instance when we were in the library and was studying for a final in our graduate program. Kelly was wearing the exact same ballet shoes and had removed them. All of a sudden, a rotten stench had creeped out and everyone at the table looked to Kelly, who was was laughing and apologizing for her stinky feet. She then dared someone to sniff them, and yours truly had to take the chance. Kelly, opposite me at the table, offered her foot up underneath and I stuck my nose between her toes and breathed in deeply. WOW! Her feet really did stink, very vinegary. To be honest, I was kind of disgusted! Her strong scent wafted from her nicely shaped skinny toes and pink soles. "Kelly, your feet do f*cking stink!" I declared, and everyone laughed.
Kelly's feet have become a running joke and I take advantage of it whenever I can!